It's My Pleasure

to be Your Next

the NEXT Generation
to Move from Ambitions
to Achievements!

0 +
0 +
Years Experience
0 +
Impacted Lives

— A Warm Welcome Word from Bilal Hakim

It's Nice to meet you, my friend 🤝

One of my mentors once shared a valuable insight with me: “It’s NOT who you know; it’s who knows YOU.”

With that in mind, I would like to thank you for taking a moment to visit my page.

My name is Bilal, and one of my core beliefs is that everyone has special talents and hidden potential that is waiting to be discovered. That’s my motivation to empower and motivate others to shine.

I have witnessed thousands of individuals transform their ambitions into achievements with me. It fuels my energy to see the joy people experience when they reach their dreams and goals.

As a qualified educator, coach, and trainer, I’ve inspired thousands internationally. I build three things: the right mindset, self-confidence, and life-changing skills.

While you explore my website, I invite you to discover how our collaboration can transform youth potential into new strengths. Because teamwork makes the dream work.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Bilal Hakim

  • Who Knows You?

    Build New Bridges

    I’ve always enjoyed meeting new people. That’s because every person has a unique story to share. And every conversation is a chance to discover a fresh perspective.

  • Education is your passport to the future

    Learn Beyond Borders

    Many people miss out on the opportunity to truly learn new things. Because learning is discovering different views, areas, and cultures. Learning goes beyond our comfort zone – NOT to stick to what we already know.

  • The Future is Today

    Inspire Growth & Potential

    “You reap what you sow”. This saying is found in many languages. And the most valuable investment we can make is in education. Especially in the young generation, because they are the leaders of tomorrow.

  • You Were Born with Resilience

    Fight Against Challenges

    Everyone is born with the resilience to overcome the usual challenges in life. But we can always further develop our resilience. That’s if we see every crisis as an opportunity.

  • Always Give back

    Teach Young Minds

    One of my passions is educating the youth. I have experience teaching at all levels, from primary school to university. I believe that every student has unique talents and abilities. And that everyone should therefore flourish in their own way.

  • Say what you have to say

    Deliver Fresh Perspectives

    Public speaking is undoubtedly one of the most valuable business skills. It is a powerful tool to communicate, inspire and connect. I have personally experienced its transformative impact during my professional journey as well.

  • Never Say Never

    Love Throughout The Journey

    "What you seek is seeking you". The exact meaning of love is subjective. What we can agree on, is that “true love is like the sun, shining on everyone.” – Rumi.

Domains Covered in My Training

Mindset Transformation

Empowering the Next Generation with a positive and constructive mindset through the Mindset Transformation Mastery Program. The program integrates expertise, hands-on experience, and insights gained from extensive reading and mentorship.

Leadership Development

Nurturing leadership excellence through various personalized programs. The focus is on practical tools and Impactful Skill Development, such as strategic decision-making, effective communication, and adaptive problem-solving.

Networking & Relationship Building

Experienced in building bridges and relationships with a wide variety of individuals, such as mentors, C-level executives, and entrepreneurs. I am specialized in creating authentic, long-term connections.

50+ Organizations Have Shaped

My Personal & Professional Development

Subjects Covered in My Teaching

Multi-Cultural Communication

As a global traveller and multicultural individual, I have a deep understanding of the Dutch, Arabic, and Indonesian cultures, offering insights that bridge cultural gaps.

Mathematical Education

I have experience with upgrading math skills for all levels (primary school, junior and senior high school, and university). Because developing math skills boosts the student's self-confidence, critical thinking, and discipline.

Language Learning

As a polyglot, I am proficient in four languages: English, Dutch, Arabic, and Indonesian, and I have experience teaching the Arabic and English languages to facilitate effective communication.

Training & Development programs facilitated by Bilal Hakim

My 7 Training Modules

I facilitate 7 training modules in total.

These modules include: Mindset Transformation Program, LinkedIn Masterclass, Career Planning Workshop, Networking Masterclass, Studying Abroad Workshop, AI Training, and Digital Marketing Training.

— Module 1

Mindset Transformation Program

"If you want to upgrade your Life, upgrade your Mindset!"

The Problem:

  • Gen Z faces serious mindset challenges that are limiting their potential for personal and professional growth.


This Module’s Learning Objectives:

  • Developing a growth mindset for continuous learning and development.
  • Transforming their mindset to foster growth, overcome limitations, and embrace resilience.
  • Applying the mindset transformation principles to increase well-being and success.


— Module 2

Level Up Your LinkedIn Success Masterclass

Let’s build Your Digital Professional Passport!

The Problem:

  • Many young people miss out on career and personal brand opportunities because they don’t know how to use LinkedIn.


This Module’s Learning Objectives:

  • Optimizing their LinkedIn profiles by incorporating key elements.
  • Expanding the participants professional network and make connections with industry professionals
  • Building a personal brand and digital presence using LinkedIn.


— Module 3

Strategic Life & Career Planning Workshop

Write your most important document of your whole life during this workshop.

The Problem:

  • School doesn’t prepare us to make important strategic life and career decisions that will impact the rest of our lives.


This Module’s Learning Objectives:

  • Identifying key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for choosing a specialization and career.
  • Writing a comprehensive personal development plan in line with their goals and strengths.
  • Making smart decisions in evaluating different potential life plans.


— Module 4

The Art of Strategic Networking Masterclass

Your Network is your Net Worth.

— Module 5

How to Realize Your Study Abroad Dream

It’s Time to Think Globally – Prepare Your International Opportunities!

— Module 6

How to Master the AI Revolution

AI Won’t Replace Humans — But Humans using AI Will Replace Humans not using AI.

— Module 7

Digital Marketing & Content Creation

Those who don’t understand Digital Marketing will lose the war for attention.

Words of Recommendation about Bilal Hakim

Kind Words
from Kind People

Below, you can read what my associates, partners, and friends have to say. Through our collaboration, we can generate the positive results that we aim to achieve.

Bilal is well-organized, possesses a lot of perseverance, is an excellent communicator, and enjoys being in front of the class. A real asset to education. In the internship sessions at Gerrit van der Veen College, Bilal demonstrated a learning attitude and always showed great involvement. According to his supervisor, this was consistently reflected directly in the lessons.
Elmar van Ee
Business Owner, Training the Trainer
I had the pleasure of supervising Bilal during his Thesis, where he designed the initial version of a script for us. Bilal demonstrated independent work, and his resulting script was highly structured, a crucial aspect when others need to use it. Thank you once again, Bilal; it was a pleasure working with you.
Sandra de Vries
Founder, Guest Researcher at TU Delft
At Erasmus Education, we've come to know Bilal as a dedicated and cheerful colleague. Our collaboration and communication with Bilal have always been pleasant, characterized by infectious enthusiasm.In the classroom, he adeptly establishes a safe learning environment, and students commend Bilal for his expertise in the subject and his effective way of imparting knowledge. Bilal is someone you're delighted to have on your team!
Wieger Maris
Bilal has an open and engaging personality. As a result, he definitely leaves an impression in the space he occupies, and it is undoubtedly a positive one. With his positive energy, he ensures that people won't easily forget him. With his knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm, the world is at his feet, and I certainly see him going far. Wishing you success, and I hope to cross paths with you again in the future!
Kim Goed
Portfolio Management & Educational Developer
Bilal is a sincere, hardworking, and intelligent individual who doesn't accept 'no' as an answer. With a calm attitude paired with ambition, that's Bilal.
Fazil Ates
GROWx Amsterdam
Bilal is well-organized, possesses a lot of perseverance, is an excellent communicator, and enjoys being in front of the class. A real asset to education. In the internship sessions at Gerrit van der Veen College, Bilal demonstrated a learning attitude and always showed great involvement. According to his supervisor, this was consistently reflected directly in the lessons.
Elmar van Ee
Business Owner, Training the Trainer
I had the pleasure of supervising Bilal during his Thesis, where he designed the initial version of a script for us. Bilal demonstrated independent work, and his resulting script was highly structured, a crucial aspect when others need to use it. Thank you once again, Bilal; it was a pleasure working with you.
Sandra de Vries
Founder, Guest Researcher at TU Delft

Frequently Asked Questions

Any Questions?

Below are some frequently asked questions to give you more insight into how collaborating with me will lead to your desired personal and professional goals.

Our Mindset Transformation Mastery Program stands out for its personalized approach that goes beyond traditional mindset programs. During the program, we focus on the following:

  • Practical approach
  • Interactive sessions
  • Real-case scenarios and stories
  • Quizzes and gamification
  • Diverse perspectives

Reach out to discuss the possibilities together!

People describe my way of training as energized, motivating, and interactive.

That’s because training for me is all about engagement: creating an interactive and dynamic environment where participants actively participate, share, and practice.

I offer a blended approach, conducting both online and in-person training sessions. Bcause this flexibility allows participants to choose the format that best suits their needs.

My programs are specifically designed for the youth, for example students, graduates, and early professionals.

As a result, the content and delivery of the program is made to address the unique challenges and aspirations of Gen Z and the current young generation.

We gather insights on program effectiveness through a variety of methods. For example, through feedback forms, participant surveys, quizzes, and testimonials.

That’s because participant feedback helps us double-check how well the important concepts of the training are communicated.

Quizzes also help reinforce key learnings.

Lastly, participants can engage on request in practical business cases, which gives the opportunity to showcase the newly developed skills in real-world scenarios.

We have a collection of references and testimonials from past clients and participants that we’re more than happy to share.


Customization is at the heart of our approach. Because we understand that each audience has unique needs and goals. We therefore design our training as highly flexible. That way, we can tailor the learning objectives of each program.

Let’s discuss the challenges and learning objectives together!

The cost of the training and coaching services provided by Bilal Hakim, varies based on factors such as the specific program selected, customization requirements, and the duration of the engagement.

Feel free to reach out to explore the best solution that fits both your budget and objectives.

Bilal Hakim is active in diverse regions in the world. The programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of clients in diverse regions. For example Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the Middle East.

You can get started by reaching out to me through the contact options down below, or by scheduling an initial discovery call.

During this discussion, we can discuss the specific needs, goals, and expectations of the program.

After the discovery call, we will draft a personalized proposal which will outline the customized training program that best aligns with your objectives.

Lastly, after the discovery call and proposal, we can discuss timelines, logistics, and any additional details to move forward with the project with Bilal Hakim.

We look forward to making the dream work together!

Let's Build Together!
Start Building with Bilal Hakim Today

Moving From Ambitions

to achievements

Let’s join forces and turn dreams into reality.

Because together we can make the dream work.

You can connect with me through WhatsApp, schedule a consultation call, or send me an email.

I look forward to meeting you soon! 🤝

Bilal Hakim

Moving From Ambitions To Achievements

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